Chapter Events


Going Native: A Personal Journey from Cultivars and Chemicals to Landscaping with Natives

This event has ended
Thursday, August 13th, 2015
to (Central Time)

In 2011 Hal Mann decided to convert his home landscaping to all native plants. This presentation takes you on this ongoing journey. He?ll explain what influenced him to change from his life-long understanding and use of conventional landscaping made up of cultivars and non-native plants. He describes the removal of invasive species and shows the wonderful surprises that followed at his home. You?ll travel with him as he struggles to break emotional attachments to some favorite non-native plants. He?ll share the compromises that were necessary to ensure harmony in the household. You?ll learn about some of the interesting wildlife that came to make their homes on his property. He will explain what he learned along the way, talking about the many benefits of using these plants, the joys and successes he experienced, as well as the tribulations and challenges he had. This story will show you how landscaping with native plants has enriched his life and will inspire you.

The Fremont Public Library is pleased to present and evening with Master Gardener and native plant advocate Hal Mann.

Speaker: Hal Mann-?President Wild Ones Oak Openings Region Chapter - Ohio

Today Hal makes his living as a day trader.?? He?s been a professional photographer, realtor, mutual fund salesman, CPA, and partner and financial officer of a small manufacturing company in Toledo, Ohio. While working full time he volunteers over 300 hours a year to conservation, church, and community programs. He is a Master Gardener and in 2010 he started learning about native plants and their benefits.?? In 2011 Hal decided to convert his home landscaping to all native. He has become a passionate advocate of using native plants and writes a blog about his experience. Hal serves on the Stewardship committee of Black Swamp Conservancy, and the Steering Committee of the Green Ribbon Initiative. He is editor of the Wild Ones Oak Openings Region chapter newsletter and president of that same group and frequently gives talks about native plants. Hal is a subcommittee chair on the Wild Ones national Wild for Monarchs conservation program and lives with his wife in Perrysburg, Ohio.

Families Welcome, no fee and no registration required.

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