Chapter Events


Growing Natives Through Seed Collecting

This event has ended
Tuesday, October 3rd, 2017
to (Central Time)

Jim Keenan, Chairman of The Wildflower Preservation and Propagation Committee will be presenting an overview of the collecting, processing, and sowing of seed collected from local sources.  Information will be provided on readiness for harvesting,  the tools and techniques used and the process for drying, cleaning and storage of seeds. 

Jim?s presentation is based on his experience hand collecting seed with a local seed sharing group and with the McHenry County Conservations District.  He began with the seeding of his 4 acre prairie restoration 14years ago, and now has over 170 species of native plants growing in what had been a corn/bean field.  Photos of his and other plantings from local seed sources will be shown to illustrate.
About our speaker
After retiring from 33 years of teaching physics, Jim Keenan turned his energy and attention to prairie reconstruction on a farm field adjoining original remnant prairie. He obtained his Ecological Restoration Certificate from the McHenry County Conservation District, and has worked with their native plant ecologist since the start of the district?s volunteer seed collecting program.  

Jim also works with The Land Conservancy (TLC) on their seed sharing day; collecting, processing and mixing seed distributed to members doing restoration on their properties. He is chairman of the Wildflower Preservation and Propagation Committee (WPPC), which has an annual Native Plant Seminar, a Spring Plant Sale, a mentoring program, school grant program, and ?Walks on the Wild Side? tours for the general public. 
Families Welcome   No fee or registration required

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