Chapter Events


Alternatives to Conventional Lawns

This event has ended
Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021
to (Central Time)

Pollinators, especially bees, provide us with valuable services by pollinating plants that contribute to food production and beautify our landscape. Sadly, there is increasing evidence that many of these important pollinator species are in decline. This is especially true in urban and suburban areas where natural habitats have been replaced by subdivisions, roads and parking lots. The dense, green carpet of lawns that may be aesthetically pleasing to some are actually food deserts to our pollinators and other beneficials.
This program will provide information on the many sustainable and wildlife friendly alternatives to turf grass such as bee lawns, shade gardens and mini prairies, plus plant suggestions and how to get started. 
Speaker: Bob Dahm, founder and owner of Organic Bob, LLC, an organic lawn and garden service located in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area.
This is an online program. Registration Is Required 
To register please click this link
You will receive an email confirmation with program link when you register. 
Presented in partnership with Fremont Public Library.

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