Illinois is home to the Sandhill Crane and the endangered Whooping Crane. In the 1940s both Sandhill Cranes and Whooping Cranes reached drastically low population sizes. Today Sandhill Cranes are one of the most populous cranes in the world and there are over 650 wild Whooping Cranes, around 76 of which will migrate through northern Illinois each year. While their population numbers are growing, both Whooping cranes and Sandhill cranes continue to face threats.
Join Stephanie Schmidt, Whooping Crane Outreach Coordinator for the International Crane Foundation, to learn about the cranes of Illinois. Following this presentation, you will be able to identify Sandhill Cranes and Whooping Cranes, know the history of both crane species, the habitats they use, and the threats they face, understand the current work crane conservation partners are doing to protect cranes in Illinois and throughout their flyways, and find out how you can be an ambassador for cranes in Illinois.